Category Archives for "SEO"

76 SEO In 2016: The Big Fat Guide

SEO can be a confusing topic, with many conflicting opinions and a number of areas which are (to say the least) more than a little grey. Well, grey is no use to anyone, so in this guide to SEO in 2016 I have explored over 80 common SEO questions and (in most cases) provided definitive answers. I have also […]

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14 SEO? Ain’t Nobody Got Time Fo’ That!

Today’s internet is incredibly fast moving. In my many years as an internet marketer I have observed (and been party to) the quickening pace, but things really seem to have accelerated over the past year. I am seeing lots of new sites popping up and achieving rapid growth, generating eye watering amounts of traffic in […]

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15 Building Your Authority: To Get Ahead… Get Quoted!

Authority. If you are a regular reader of internet marketing/SEO blogs, you’ll see that word popping up a lot; become an authority, build your authority, authority this, authority that. It’s probably up there with ‘content is king’ as the most overused phrase in SEO, but you know what, there is a reason for that… It’s because it’s true. […]

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19 SEO FC: The Internet Marketing 11

I was going to write up a simple list of my top SEO and internet marketing bloggers to follow in 2014. But then I thought… Lists are boring. So instead, I imagined I was the manager of SEO F.C. (that’s soccer to my American friends) and went ahead and selected my SEO and internet marketing […]

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13 Why I Support MyBlogGuest

You may have heard that google has penalised MyBlogGuest (see Since last week, the popular guest blogging community can no longer be found on google for branded searches. In fact a google search using would suggest that the site has been completely de-indexed (the jobs.myblogguest subdomain is all that comes up here). Matt Cutts […]

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24 Matthew Woodward Embraces White Hat SEO (Almost…)

Matthew Woodward’s blog has received a lot of attention in the internet marketing world over the past year or so and deservedly so. He writes excellent, high quality tutorials, answers questions/comments, publishes regularly and has built strong relations in the SEO community. He’s also a very helpful, approachable, genuinely nice guy. All the good stuff! […]

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