Wondering exactly what google penguin is and how it affects your site? Well, here’s everything you need to know… in haiku form!
Many links we built
Traffic grew and grew until
Penguin spoiled the fun
Lesson: Don’t be too aggressive with your link building.
Lots of anchor text
Pointing to our money page
Penguin shot us down
Lesson: Don’t overuse anchor text when building links.
The penguin he says
Relevancy is the key
To ranking success
Lesson: Try and gain a good proportion of your links from relevant sites.
The penguin reveals
Quality beats quantity
On all occassions
Lesson: One good link is better than 100 low quality links
Money changing hands?
Better add no follow or
Penguin will be mad
Lesson: Get caught buying or selling links without adding the nofollow attribute and face a slap from google penguin.
Google penguin is
A way to combat spammers
Many sites they fall
Lesson: Google penguin is all about targeting spammy techniques. Get caught using them and see your rankings fall.
Rankings they have gone?
To recover them you must
Disavow your bad
Lesson: Been a bit spammy with your link building in the past, caught by penguin and lost traffic? To get it back you’ll need to clean up your link profile. The first thing to do is ask the linking sites to remove the links you want out of your profile, or if that doesn’t work you can use google’s disavow tool to tell them to ignore it.
And finally…
Building your network
And real relationships is
The key to your success
Lesson: I’ve said it lots, but to succeed in internet marketing these days you have to create real relationships with other webmasters/bloggers/influencers in your niche. Share their content, comment, help them out and they’ll be sure to return the love! Those links will come and when they do, they’ll be 100% penguin safe links.
And with that in mind…
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Oh, and just in case you’re not sure what a haiku is – you can find out everything you need to know here.